Serial Title:
The Macra Terror
Patrick Troughton
Ben Jackson (Michael Craze), Polly Wright (Anneke Wills), Jamie
McCrimmon (Frazer Hines)
On ‘an Earth colony’
on ‘an earth-like planet’ in ‘the future’ (bloody vague
settings!), the TARDIS lands just in time to run into Medok, a crazed
fugitive who attacks the crew and is subdued by Ben and Jamie. Guards hot on his trail arrive and take him away, and their leader, Ola,
welcomes the TARDIS crew and takes them back to the Utopian colony.
(Which must be either evil, or disaster-bound, as no Utopian place
can survive long in sci-fi…)
The group are introduced
to the Pilot, the colony’s leader. They are given a whirlwind tour
of the colony’s luxuries- its happy workers and musical jingles... they also find out that Medok was considered mentally ill, having
claimed to see “Macra,” giant crab-like aliens- in the colony at
night. The Doctor and the group, rightly recognizing that any
fugitive encountered by a traveling sci-fi or fantasy group as they
first enter a new area is correct and destined to become an ally in
overthrowing the status quo of his or her pursuers, are somewhat
suspicious, and begin to investigate- the Doctor going down to speak
with Medok… and accidentally releasing Medok from his cell in the
The Doctor pursues him,
as the others learn about the colony's chief labor project- mining a
gas which is poisonous to humans down in the pits. Though they
insist that the gas is vital to the colony, no one will elaborate on
what it is used for.
The Doctor catches up
with Medok at a construction site- where Medok tells him that others
have seen the Macra, too- but all who do are sent to a mental
hospital for 'correction.' The Doctor sees one, too- the monstrous
crustacean/insect emerging to roam the colony at night- but both are
found by Ola's guards. Medok sacrifices his chance at corroboration
(more likely to have the Doctor committed alongside him) by claiming
that the Doctor was searching for him and trying to convince him to
return to correct the earlier mistake of freeing him. The Controller,
the ever-present Orwellian big-brother picture-with-a-voice projected
on colony view-screens, urgently- almost fanatically- insists that
"There are no such things as Macra!"
The Doctor is released to
his sleeping chamber... where hypnotic brainwashing fields attempt to turn
his companions into willing colony-members and Macra denialists. The
Doctor frees Jamie and Polly in time... but Ben is turned, becoming
one of 'them'- and reporting the Doctor for sabotaging the other
hypnosis machines. Polly runs, and Ben gives chase- both stumbling
into another Macra, which they barely escape from in the dark. After fighting it off, Ben
denies having seen anything.

The pit is the source of
the poisonous gas production, and a dangerous place. The group is
assigned under Medok, who was deemed a hopeless mental case and
banished to the pit as well. He arranges for the Doctor to stay
behind as 'shift supervisor' as the others descend to mine. Ben, the
traitor, monitors them distrustfully.
Jamie manages to slip
away into a new, reinforced door by stealing the keys, but the
others are unable to join him- as they labor away in the dangerous
gas-filled mines, Jamie enters a strange tunnel leading gradually
downward. Medok manages to slip away after him... and is attacked and
killed by a Macra in the tunnel. Jamie finds his body, and the Macra-
strangely motionless and inert. Under orders from the Controller,
stored gas is pumped into the tunnel- suffocating Jamie and reviving
the Macra. Jamie, choking, conceals himself, but won't be able to
hide- or breathe- for long.
The Doctor tricks and
outwits the Pit overseer, locking him in his office, and reverses the
gas flow, pumping in oxygen which causes the Macra to slump
listlessly and gives Jamie the advantage again. He escapes back into
the colony via a vent grating- but is betrayed and given up by
turncoat Ben, who is coming out of his trance, but not nearly enough
The Doctor and Polly flee
from the alerted guards and find themselves outside the Controller's
chamber- in which an albino Macra controls the colony; the Doctor
intuits that the Macra breathe the gas, and are using the humans as mind-controlled labor to prepare a takeover of their own colony. The
Doctor and Polly risk going to the Pilot, rejoining the captured
Jamie- but rather than taking them into custody, the Pilot, having
witnessed the Macra killing the real Controller, and beginning to
question 'Big Brother,' decides to aid them... while Ben is finally
coming out of his temporary brainwashing. Confused and disoriented, he wanders off.

However, rescue comes in
the form of Ben, still outside, who is able, under the Doctor's
verbal instructions, to reverse the flow, flooding the Macra with
'lethal' oxygen all throughout their tunnels and chambers in a
terrific explosion.
In the aftermath, the
Colony celebrates, the Pilot officially and publicly thanks the
heroes, and announces their intention to make the Doctor the next
Pilot... to which the Doctor and companions wave goodbye and close
out a running gag of the serial by dancing their way through the
crowd and out the door.
Did you know that the
first ‘Big Brother/Mind Control’ sci-fi story was written by
famed author Joel Ben-Micah- who decided to take up writing shortly
after his corpse was tossed into Elisha’s tomb and re-animated by
his bones- in 790 B.C.? True story. And the ‘Big
Brother/brainwashing’ storyline has been an integral part of sci-fi
ever since.
Yes, once again, Doctor
Who tackles on a sci-fi cliché nearly as old as writing
itself. So, how does it fair?
Pretty well, actually-
owing in part to the fact that the Big-Brother/Mind-Control element
is only half the story. That’s something that Old Who does best-
taking a sci-fi cliché and turning it into a setting in which
to play out a story rather than a story itself (the same thing,
post-Highlanders, that they do with history, unfortunately- still, a
worthwhile trade-off.)
This episode had some
good humor, yet again- the Second Doctor’s reputation as a clown is
not ill-deserved- as represented in the opening Emerald-City-esque
montage of the group being treated to the amenities of the Colony-
the Doctor is cleaned up too much for his liking, and ‘accidentally’
enters a muscle-toning machine to get himself properly re-rumpled.
Even in stills (this is another reconstruction, folks- blah!) the
humor comes through.
I was really looking
forward to this one due to New Series 3’s “Gridlock,” in which
the Macra return (40 years later- how cool is that?) ; I was looking
forward to seeing their original story. Sadly, due to the dark,
smudgy, non-Loose-Canon reconstruction… I couldn’t make out a
single Macra clearly on-screen… half the time (like the apparently
white Macra in the control room?) I couldn’t even tell what I was
supposed to be seeing.
Interestingly, the Macra
themselves were large, ungainly things, developed by Shawcraft, an
outside contractor that had been doing Doctor Who effects work since
The Daleks- and had been doing unacceptably poor work since the
original city miniature for The Daleks. They delivered a single Macra
prop, which was large, heavy, ponderous, and took a flatbed pickup
truck to actually move- rendering them mostly immobile, and a pain to
reposition for new shots- severely limiting what could be done with
them (despite being extremely expensive). So perhaps there wasn’t
much to see…
The Doctor is not
particularly subtle in this one- as is the Doctor’s way- even
though playing along for a bit could save him a good deal of trouble.
Rather, Medok is surprisingly the clever one, thinking up the obvious
and helpful explanation for the Doctor’s actions and leaving him in
a position where he can do something good- something the Doctor
himself doesn’t seem to have thought of. Meanwhile, the Doctor is a
good deal more blood-thirsty than usual, seemingly having no problem
annihilating the Macra- far from the “Come with me, I’ll take you
to another planet where you can live in peace… No? Okay, NOW I’ll
annihilate you!” attitude of the New series.
Polly is a screamer here,
but also pretty proactive for the small story role she’s given. Not
much to say either way.
Likewise for Jamie, who
shows a great moral fortitude in resisting the brainwashing on his
own, and gets a nice creepy showdown with in-the-flesh Macra, but not
much else. His irritation at Ben mirrors the audience’s.
It’s also an
aggravating episode due to this factor. Even though Ben is suffering
from brainwashing, turncoat-Ben becomes of paramount annoyance very
quickly, and only manages to redeem himself by saving the day in the
oddly-truncated (but stylistically acceptable) ending. Too bad this
was only in stills- it would have been funny to see everyone dance
themselves out at the end.
Still, there are some
nice creepy moments- the real controller, a puppet of an old man,
being killed by the Macra claw, for instance. There are also some
funny ones, such as the Doctor’s ‘equation’ bits, and his
clever outmaneuvering of the pressure-pipes caretaker.
Also of note is the fact
that, after the Celestial Toymaker, this serial is the second time in
which the TARDIS crew dances themselves to safety.
This serial has some
disappointments that keep it from its true potential- but I
suspect it would reach much closer to it if the video were intact.
This serial also debuted the new opening title sequence,
incorporating the Doctor’s face (which would become a tradition for
the remainder of the classic series).
The reconstruction was
not Loose Canon, which, as this blog has ably demonstrated, means it
sucks. This one was worse than usually- dark, muddy, exceedingly
unclear, worse so than any before it… I wish we’d seen it as LC
the first time, as I’m sure that would have been a far superior
presentation that would have improved its standing immensely.
Great moments:
The ending with the
explosion is nicely done. The dance-related humor. The Doctor
disabling the mind-control for each companion… but reaching Ben too
The Macra Terror
registers a solid 3 out of 5 Deadman’s Keys, with the belief that a
video version might have scored an additional .5 or even 1 on the
scale. The recreation gets 0 out of 5 for fail-Fail-FAILING
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